Attaway ran Dafari, Powell and
myself to a new landing at Konambi Beach and we set off from there,
leaving Attaway behind with the skiff and a bottle of cheap vodka. Dafari came
along to help us cut brush although he's been a bit of a whiner lately,
having been bitten by a Yellow-Backed Nitfly. It's not the bite that hurts so
much but the egg it leaves behind under your skin that eventually hatches into
a adolescent grub before burrowing back out. I've had worse. We told him to
quit the crybaby business and get on with life. It shouldn't be long anyway,
the thing looks like a golf ball on the back of his neck. I'm looking forward
to catching it when it emerges; Sea Bass go crazy for these grubs and I
plan on doing some serious fishing when we're done here.
Anyway, the jungle here was thinner
and progress was much easier. No rain, too. In a couple of hours we'd come
across a forest glade that was a perfect spot to sit and wait for our
Molokanesian Spotted Dragon friend to show up. We found a rock at the edge of
the jungle and sat back for a lunch of tuna sandwiches that Cookie threw
together for us. Dafari and I had just polished ours off (Powell was too busy
spacing out with his sketchbook) when Dafari starts screaming like a stuck pig
and runs across the glade like a maniac. Powell and I ran after him wondering
what the hell was going on and caught up to him after he'd tripped over a stump
and hit his head on a rock, knocking him out and (thankfully) shutting him up.
Well, I guess our little grub was having his birthday on the back of Dafari's
neck. No wonder he was screaming, it looked like it really smarted. Good thing
Dafari was out like a light. I grabbed the grub and put it in my vest pocket
for later.

Now, we're back on board having
schlepped Dafari back to the beach and a well-lit Attaway. Powell is
back in his cabin working on a new drawing and I'm getting set to hook this
grub and catch me a Sea Bass for dinner!